In the past, people tried to avoid installing floor console/cassette heat pumps. This was because they were big, clunky, and took up precious floor space.


But technology has brought with it a new generation of smaller, more discrete floor console heat pumps.


We supply and install floor mounted heat pumps from Panasonic, Daikin and Fujitsu. The new generation of floor console heat pumps is smaller, more discrete and more efficient than past models. There are many benefits to having a floor mounted heat pump. They are great for replacing old wall mounted gas heaters, as they just fit in place without the need for any interior remodelling. What’s more, is because they are at ground level, they are great for temperature control, as you are able to almost instantly tell the temperature adjustments. In addition to this, they are easily accessible, making maintenance and cleaning a breeze.

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With their slimline design, our floor consoles are a great renovation option; fitting neatly into cavities left by the removal of fireplaces or night-store heaters.

Our range of ceiling mounted units offer you the flexibility to keep your wall and floor space free without compromising on comfort.

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Using the state-of-the-art technology and efficiency you’d expect from a Daikin, not only does the Daikin Nexura floor standing air conditioner offer the best of both heating and cooling as well as comfort and design, its best feature is a hidden one; the front radiant panel also heats up to give you that unique familiar comfort of a traditional warm radiator.

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Economical in energy use and in the little space it occupies, a Panasonic Floor Mounted Air Conditioning Console is a great choice for single-room heating and cooling. With room-filling capability and near-noiseless operation Premier and INVERTER Floor Mounted Consoles warm and cool quickly and very quietly.

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The Fujitsu compact floor consoles are engineered to deliver up to 5kW of heat in a smart yet very efficient package, with many added features. The cassette models sit in the ceiling, so they are almost invisible. But you’ll feel the difference, with 4-way air distribution (which can be configured to suit your room), and turbo fan technology which will heat (or cool and dehumidify in summer) the whole room quickly and efficiently

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Floor console heat pumps are ideal for homes that are susceptible to sudden temperature changes. This is because its ground-level heating heats the air that you feel around you before it gradually makes its way up to the ceiling to heat the rest of the house. Because of this feature, they can also be an efficient way of quickly heating homes with high ceiling, as the occupants would normally have to wait patiently for heat to make its way down to the floor level before they can feel it. No one likes being cold, so a heating solution that can quickly and efficiently warm your environment is always positive!


Figuring out which heat pump is best for your home or business can be a challenging task. Why not let Connect NZ help out. We offer expert advice about heat pump installation, and which type would benefit your home or business the most. We pride ourselves on our high-quality service, and part of that service is establishing customer needs before presenting a solution. So if you would like to know any more about our range of heat pumps from Fujitsu, Daikin and Panasonic, get in contact with Connect NZ team today.

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