Being able to keep a close eye on your business is important to keep things running smoothly, as well as ensuring that it is safe and secure.


Whether these consequences are health-related (such as fire and smoke) or security (burglary or theft) an alarm system is a critical part of early detection to reduce any damages done. Connect NZ offers a wide array of alarm system solutions that can be tailored to your business or home.


Connect NZ specialises in the installation of CCTV systems tailored to your business’s needs so that you as a business owner can relax knowing that your security is accounted for.

There is a range of advantages in installing a CCTV system for your business. The obvious one that springs to most people’s mind is crime prevention. This isn’t unfounded. The mere presence of a CCTV system is known to reduce the chance of your business being targeted by potential thieves or intruders. Criminals will avoid places with cameras and rather opt to target more vulnerable places. Half the battle with keeping your business or home secure is not being an easy target. A CCTV system allows you to watch your entire premises at once, a task that would be a huge financial burden on your business if you attempted to garner the same results by hiring security personal. Most businesses will have “danger prone” spots in their business. For instance, a camera may be placed in the front entrance of a shop, a notorious blind spot for retail employees. Such a camera will help staff be preemptive in regards to any threat they may face, or help identify perpetrators after the fact. Having footage of any criminal incidents, even after the fact or in a case where they cannot be prevented, will stand as valuable evidence for police to find the people responsible.


But security isn’t CCTV’s only purpose. CCTV can be invaluable when it comes to staying safe. Some businesses are likely to have areas that are more likely to be hazard forming. For instance, a restaurant may require a camera in the kitchen to spot any potential fires, or any other areas of your business that pose a risk in the event of a malfunction. It can also be used to monitor staff productivity, and identify any weak points that may be occurring in your organisation’s production line.


CCTV will also benefit any insurance claim that needs to be made if any unfortunate events were to occur.


However, CCTV is only as effective if there has been careful consideration for its design and installation. To get the most out of it, you need expert advice to ensure you have all your bases covered. You want to identify the best use of coverage, make sure that your business has no blind spots that can be taken advantage of or a system that can be easily compromised and disabled. Connect NZ will provide full support in the design process of your CCTV system, creating a customised solution that is specific to your requirements. Pair this with our unparalleled service and high-quality workmanship, and you’ll have a CCTV system that is a huge asset to the security of your business.

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