When it comes to installing a heat pump in your home, many people choose to go with a split system.


At Connect NZ, we serve the Auckland region when it comes to supplying multi-split heat pumps from the likes of Daikin, Panasonic and Fujitsu. We understand that it can get confusing figuring out what is the best type of heat pump to suit your needs, so don’t hesitate to contact the team at Connect NZ if you wish to find out exactly what you need.


But what is the reason so many choose to go with a split system model? There are many benefits to using a split system. For starters, it has an easier installation process than a lot of traditional systems. This is because there is no ductwork necessary. Instead, all that is required is connecting the indoor and outdoor units with an opening that is only about 6cm in diameter. From there, its just a matter of connecting up all the electrical components (handled by us of course) and a location to mount your units.

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Using only one outdoor unit, Multi Room Systems give you the freedom to select the best indoor model for each area without cluttering your home’s outdoor aesthetics.

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Daikin Multi Split Heat Pumps can heat or cool multiple rooms using only one outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor units. Each indoor unit can also be individually controlled, scheduled and set to the desired room temperature.

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Multi Room Systems are the most simple and straightforward way to air condition multiple rooms in your home via an external unit and two or more internally mounted units. This is a cost effective option which causes little disruption to the home and takes up only a small amount of space on the wall. The beauty of these systems is in the flexibility and ability to mix and match units to find the perfect solution for any home.

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Fujitsu Multi Systems are the ideal way to enjoy heating and cooling in more than one room from just one outdoor unit. For example you can have one for the bedroom and one for the living area. You can choose a Fujitsu Multi System to heat and cool 2,3,4,5 or 6 rooms

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The major benefit of a multi-split system over a single split system is being able to connect multiple indoor units, each equipped with their own thermostat, to a single outdoor unit. This means that you can control the climate of multiple “zones” in the house off one system This is great for a family with differing ideas of how the home should feel and is bound to keep the peace!


Gone are the days of heat pumps being a potential eyesore in your living areas or bedrooms. Split systems come in a range of modern sleek styles. They’ve had careful consideration placed into their aesthetic design to make them easily fit into your home’s decor. The range of sophisticated jackets ensures that you’ll be able to find a design that fits right in your home.


Split systems are energy efficient because they require no ductwork. Ducks can have leaks that bleed heat. This causes inefficiencies. Ductless air conditioners can exceed double the efficiency of a standard air conditioner, achieving above 30 SEER.


To find out more about the range of multi-split system heat pumps on offer from Daikin, Panasonic and Fujitsu, get in contact with the team at Connect NZ today. We handle everything from supply, to installation, to maintenance. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in contact Connect NZ today.

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